Media from RJO — Ryan Jay Owens


Interviews • Highlights • Initiatives & More

May 2016: A quick interview by about my experience with PVL, USA Volleyball, etc!
May 2016: Honored to be the ONLY opposite on the men's side named to the #AllSpikeNet #AllStar team with big players like Jeff Ptak, etc...
APRIL 2016: #ATHLETEBLAB 2016 was two days of great sessions to educate athletes in many areas. This is "Working with Agents (or not)"
MARCH 2016: Player of the Match interview from 1/4 Finals of Finnish championship vs Pielavesi Sampo
MARCH 2016: SnapChat Challenge to show a Day in an athlete's life #PRORJO
MARCH 2015: Interview with city of Slobomir about Elite Sport Students project I founded that's based in Belgrade, Serbia
MARCH 2015: Working with Volleyball School DIF in Belgrade, Serbia on teaching mobility and health foundations
SPRING 2010: Interview at home in Athens with