#8 How To Be Recruited & Play For A Top Coach with Chris Poole — Ryan Jay Owens

#8 How To Be Recruited & Play For A Top Coach with Chris Poole

#8 How To Be Recruited & Play For A Top Coach with Chris Poole

SUMMARY: Volleyball coach from Florida State University. Coached Arkansas first, Elite 8 appearance , D1 Final Four, Rank 4 in the nation, acc conference best.

Quotes from Chris

“My motto that i live by !Q:“Every choice you make have consequences”@4:23,
whether it is in decision in job, life, the same way that i am raising my son and my daughter, they talk to me about things and i have repeated that many times when they were young and now when they are older.First i made decisions for them, that is what i am doing with my players also, we are trying to be prepared every year , every decision they made it is all critical, there is gonna be consequences, good positive, and negative for them.”

“In high school i realized that i really enjoy athletics, it is something that i wanted to do with my life , in the college i got in touch with boys and girls club. even when i was in college i started to coach and getting involved in teams”@6:40

!Q:“I had sucess, and i think that success was tight to that i am very committed and dedicated i am trying to learn, i was like that as player and i bring same attitude to coaching”@6.45

“My rise was the matter that i was humble when i was the young man , reaching people to learn , and i enjoy learning , i do not believe that there is one way of doing things , i do believe that if you keep an open mind, you are capable of pulling things from different peoples, and learn from different sources. “@10min

!RJO:”Who has been most influential in your life up until this point and what is the moment when you realize that they were?”
“Support of my parent, but they support was so critical in everything that i done. Graduating and becoming coach was not popular in 1980.

!RJO:”What types of things you do when students are preparing to come to your school, and while are there especially 1st year to try to get them to that level so that they do not regret 4 years of learning lessons?”

!RJO: “What do see for being a main difference between international players and your American players?”@16.40
“Internationals players tends to be a little more mature....

listen to the episode for more.