Tulane University — Podcast/Blog — Ryan Jay Owens

Tulane University

Tea JURIC | My International Student-Athlete Experience

Tea JURIC | My International Student-Athlete Experience

Tea JURIC | Croatian Volleyball Student-Athlete

Tea JURIC | Croatian Volleyball Student-Athlete

My best experiences in your foreign school?
Learning the language, meeting people and playing sport with all the advantages including gyms, lifting rooms and equipment
— Tea JURIC | Croatian Volleyball Student-Athlete

First, a little background on you and the school...


Your full name:
Tea Juric

Your country of origin?

Name of your college/university?
Tulane University 

This school is in...

...your sport?

..your jersey # ?

...received a scholarship?
Full Athletic

...enter your major(s):
Public Health 

...select your status in school:

My school profile:

Tell your experience BEFORE you got to your foreign school...

...how difficult was it to decide to go to a foreign school?

...What, if any, were the difficulties in choosing to go to a foreign school?
Paperwork and not knowing English 

... and how did you overcome these obstacles to get to a foreign school?
Talking with coaches and having them on my side to help me 

... how helpful were the staff at the school with getting you admitted?

What things  helped you get everything done to get to a foreign school?
Sinisa Momic

Lastly, your experience at your foreign school...

...your happiness with international student-athletics?

...What, if any, were the difficulties to adjust to life in your school’s country?
Different culture and busy schedule 

... and how did you overcome these obstacles to adjust to school life?
With tutor help and hard work

...What were your best experiences in your foreign school?
Learning the language, meeting people and playing sport with all the advantages including gyms, lifting rooms and equipment 

Would you be interested in an international athlete network?

Do you plan to be a PRO in your sport after college?