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#42 Becoming Emotionally Intelligent with Jordan HARBINGER

#42 Becoming Emotionally Intelligent with Jordan HARBINGER


March 27, 2016

Game Plan Session: With the famed podcaster and co-founder of The Art of Charm, Jordan Harbinger


In this game plan session, we focus on emotional intelligence with podcasting phenom, Jordan Harbinger. We also get into the details of decision making in high-adrenaline situations, first impressions,and networking and how athletes can improve upon these skills.  


Jordan has spent several years abroad in Europe and the developing world, including South America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East, and speaks several languages. He has also worked for various governments and NGOs overseas, traveled through war zones, and been kidnapped — twice.  He’ll tell you the only reason he’s still alive and kicking is because of his ability to talk his way into (and out of) just about any type of situation.

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You never rise to the level of your expectations, but you default to the level of your training.
— JH


  • How do we react in high-adrenaline situations?

  • How can athletes prepare for being forced or having to take on different roles?

  • How can we begin to make positive personality changes in our life?

  • How important is it being able to be comfortable and confident with teammates and coaching staff? @21:30

  • How does this translate to success and building our network not only in sports but outside of it?

  • What are some simple ways for athletes to show up to new teams and come off in a way they they can be trusted? @29:30

  • How important is it to treat people well before even meeting them?

  • How important is this for general happiness in life? @36:00

  • How can people get started on increasing their emotional intelligence? @40:55


  • Many people have the thoughts of: “if i get into a conflict, this is exactly how I will respond” but the way we react to things in high pressure situations is completely different. When we are in these instances, like athletes in a big game, everything falls back on training. This is why it is hard sometimes for an athlete to describe what they did during “that big play” because it is just second nature. No actual thinking was done in the moment because these moments happen so fast.

  • If you are an athlete, you have to be able to step up to the plate because you might need to take on different roles on your team. One important skill to have is connecting with people.

  • Just because you were not born with advanced emotional intelligence does not mean it is impossible to achieve. They are a set of skills. Some people use a fallback as being an introvert. You can’t fall back on introversion anymore. This is accepting mediocrity and denying the ability to gain more emotional intelligence.

  • Improving your skills in ”emotional intelligence” may not sound appealing, but changing your outlook to “having awesome relationships, becoming more attractive, and improving your leadership charisma” is basically the same thing. @14:10

  • Everyone is always looking for the quick fix or easy way to learn a new skill, but the reality is everyone is different.

  • Psychology says people in conversation tend to mirror each other. It also says that our body language exposes what we are feeling inside even if we are not trying to show it. So, if we are nervous, our body shows it and whoever we are conversing with mirrors this feeling. This explains why girls get weirded out by guys leaving them to wonder: why? It is not in fact what they did, it is how they are. @21:30

  • “Your body is a terrible liar” @25:30

  • People with bigger social circles usually have happier lives, funner social lives, and . larger incomes.

  • First impressions in sports and in life are made from the first instance you appear on your new teammates radar, not necessarily when you are first introduced. So pay attention to how your body language is coming off. Female sports are even tougher because women are much harder on each other than guys are. @29:30

  • “Everything good that has happened in my business, 99% of all the positive things that have randomly happened, were through random social connections.” You need to go outside your normal inner circle. “Massive opportunities can be found in situations where you are forced to meet other people.” @36:00

  • One drill to start working on improving emotional intelligence is through posture. Every time you walk through a doorway, straighten up, keep your shoulders back and your head up and smile. This creates a positive, nonverbal impression. If you do this every time, even in your house, it becomes a habit. This is how we make our first impressions. @40:55


More biographical information - IMBD

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#32 The Keys To Sleep & Eat Smarter with Shawn STEVENSON

#32 The Keys To Sleep & Eating Smarter with Shawn STEVENSON

Expert GamePlan Session: Background in Biology and Kinesiology, #1 Health & Fitness Podcast “The Model Health Show” Creator, #8 Best Selling Author of Sleep Smarter


March 3, 2015

Shawn Stevenson The Model Health Show | BeyondAthletic.com
Listen ON-THE-GO (00:53:12) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!

Music Credit: Ruze - Plan B - "She Said" (16 Bit Remix)


Todays show is mainly on how important our nutrition is and how it can be injury proof for our bodies. We will talk about some of the day to day things that people say that are far off from the truth and we’ll dig deep into the sciences and the research behind the many myths in the world regarding health. You’ll receive a ton of knowledge to apply right now in your life to be a healthier human being. Shawn also explains a little bit of his experiences as a young athlete with significant injuries and how they have lead him to the research he does today and why he shares such information.


  • Born, Shawn Stevenson.

  • Best selling author of Sleep Smarter

  • Creator of “The Model Health Show featured as the #1 Health and the #1 Fitness & Nutrition podcast on

    • with over 1 Million Listener Downloads, and a huge array of valuable show topics, you’re about to be tapped into a powerful world of health information right at your fingertips.
  • Has a background in biology and kinesiology; founder of “Advanced Integrative Health Alliance,” a successful company providing wellness services for both individuals and organizations worldwide; A dynamic keynote speaker who has spoken for TEDx, universities, and numerous organizations.

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Listen ON-THE-GO (00:53:12) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!

“The most important decision that you make as a human being is whether or not you live in a friendly or hostile environment.” -Albert Einstein

Key Discussion Points:

  • Why did you come into this particular field of research?

  • What has you most excited these days?

  • How can we prevent injury via nutrition aka REAL food?

  • What is your knowledge on what inflammation comes from?

  • How do we optimize our recovery after tough training, competitions, jobs, and other stressors in life?

  • What knowledge can you share about the importance of sleep?

  • What is one of mistake that most of us make during that day that ruins high quality sleep?

Key Lessons:

  • When it comes to significant injuries, it's important to get a second and third opinion?

  • The REAL root of the word “decision” means to cut away any possibility except accomplishing that thing

“When you make a REAL decision about something, there’s not an option for failure anymore.” SS @ 13:26

  • You can learn just about any aspect of life by listening to podcasts, for FREE

  • You are what you eat, drink, and breath

“You are what you assimilate” SS @ 23:20

  • Our bodies require the raw materials they need in order to rebuild us.

“If you’re wanting to maintain a high quality bone density so you’re not breaking a bone, you need to provide your body with the raw materials it needs to actually create bone.” SS @ 23:30

  • We want to give our body real things it can recognize, not just supplements

  • The #1 source to getting magnesium in your system is leafy green vegetables

  • Spirulina can increase our production of stem cells in our bodies

  • Stem cells become anything you need them to become

“If you need to generate some meniscus..acl..muscle tissue from a pulled muscle from your hamstring..stem cells become everything that your body needs.” SS @ 30:20

  • Around 60% of all health conditions are related to inflammation (ie. heart disease, strokes, heart attacks)

  • Anti inflammatory medications can actually stop the healing process

  • The number of hours of sleep you get isn’t what is most important

“Its not about the hours of sleep you get..it’s about the amount of time that you could get your body, brain, entire physiology into the deeper most anabolic stage of sleep.”

  • Working the late night shift is a carcinogen, a cancer causing agent

  • The body is evolved to be up during the day and asleep at night

“Sleep in a pitch black room, get black out curtains, get the light out  of your room...don’t play the TV while you’re sleeping...that step is going to help you and to stay in a deeper and more rejuvenative sleep.” SS @ 42:34

  • We need to be exposed to natural sunlight to help us sleep better at night

Listen ON-THE-GO (00:53:12) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


The best balanced breakfast…
If maintaining blood sugar: keep it a low carb breakfast, (60% healthy fats, 30% protein, 20% carbs), ie. pasteurized sausages, half of an avocado, sauteed green, spoon of almond butter or coconut oil

The best thing you travel with..
Ipod, His superfood kit: medicinal mushrooms, spirulina

What book would you give away as a gift?
Becoming a Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett; also Ready to Run
The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried


Advanced Integrative Health Alliance: Founder
The Model Health Show: Co-Host


Follow Shawn Here:

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"Being ready at anytime; ready to play, ready to perform always training for life!" -Shawn Stevenson

Books Mentioned:
Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson
Becoming a Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett; also Ready to Run
The Hormone Cure by Sara Gottfried

Recommended Items:

How Chocolate Can Save the World
The Model Health Show/Podcast
Cox-II Inhibitor
Noni Plant

Some of my favorite episodes from Shawn's show:

  1. How To Create A Sleep Sanctuary And Get The Best Sleep Ever
  2. Sleep Smarter – The Connection Between Sleep, Sex, Income, And Fat Loss
  3. 7 Fat Loss Herbs That Really Work (And Supplement Mistakes To Avoid!)
  4. Natural Treatments For Depression – Share This With Everyone You Know!
  5. Tips For Dining Out At Restaurants, Family Get Togethers, And How To Stay Healthy During The Holidays
  6. 15 Healthy Travel Tips – How To Stay Fit, Healthy, And Energized While Traveling!
  7. Biggest Health, Fitness, And Lifestyle Lessons Of 2014 And What You Should Implement In 2015
  8. Improve Your Digestion, Assimilation, and Elimination (And Poop Like A Champion!)