#43 6 Ways To Not Screw Up Ending Season Well with #PRORJO — Ryan Jay Owens

#43 6 Ways To Not Screw Up Ending Season Well with #PRORJO

#43 - 6 Ways To Not Screw Up Ending Season Well with #PRORJO

March 30, 2016

BeyondAthleticPodcastCover RJO #43.jpg

Season's coming to an end so today's all about capitalizing on this opportunity to end well!


Today’s show will be another solo session with me. I want to share with you guys some of the lessons I have learned in 13+ years of being a professional volleyball player around the world in more than 30 countries with other amazing athletes. I want to give you some small tips and tools that can change your life, not only in your sports world, but also for your own well being. 

Many athletes are so overwhelmed by the season itself, personal issues or playoffs that they overlook these 6 IMPORTANT things to make sure they set themselves up for success now and in the future. Preparation is ALWAYS KEY!

Here are the 6 Ways To Not Screw Up Ending Season Well!


— John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast
  • Rely on your whole season of training behind you!

  • Dial in on what worked.. What helps... ELIMINATE THE REST!

  • Not the time for crazy new routines, habits, etc. Sometimes a bit of a change/challenge is great but a little too much.


Getting new video is the most vital step to building your career and improving in your sport!
— Ryan Jay Owens
  • 3 TYPES: Match • Highlight • Evaluation

  • Get them immediately after matches via offline or online storage (and then back them up!)

  • Post to Youtube / Vimeo but also keep on storage like iCloud, Google Drive & Dropbox

  • Post highlights to FB fan page (Directly and links)

  • Livestream events using Livestream app or Google LIVE hangouts, etc.



  • RECOVER & RESUME: Rest a bit but then maintain fitness and build a better you!

    • Mobility, Yoga, mashing, flossing, rolling, etc.

      • TRAIN OFTEN! Find ways to keep moving thru cross training, yoga, daily 5' mobility routines, weights, conditioning, other sports, train on the beach in your sport (when possible)....

      • ATTEND EVENTS: Find live events to play in to promote your skills to teams, Make sure they are challenging and fun! If none exist... Organize one!

      • TRAVEL: Go close by or far but go..... Take a closer look at how your hometown might have evolved in get involved!

      • LEARN NEW STUFF: Whether online or offline pick up some new skills, knowledge & experience!


  • CONTRACT & RECEIPTS: Organize and keep these ready for taxes and taking deductions so you keep more of your money you earned during these hard seasons. 

  • FIND A HOME: Use Craigslist.com, friends, AirBNB.com or HOMEAWAY.com to secure off season housing if you don't have any AHEAD OF TIME!

  • PREP TEAM'S HOME: Clean it and be sure to take video of condition with newspaper shown in video for validity.

  • TRAVEL: whether you never got around to close by sightseeing or you want to go to another country... Plan out the travel dates, lodging, transportation and friends to join! Use the time abroad to explore!

  • CONTRACT TRAVEL HACK: Get the money for your trip home (if paid by team) in cash or by bank wire and plan your own travel itinerary that works better for you than just leaving ASAP after season.

  • CONTACT YOUR AGENT: Make sure they have an updated CV and what's their plan for your work next season!


  • You worked your butt off.. enjoy the story that is this season and just play. It will be over soon and you will be relieved BUT make the most of what you've worked so hard for!

  • Get a little more YOU time to relax and recover during tough playoff schedules... You are allowed that movie, ice cream, etc. Do it! (BUT DON'T OVER-DO IT!)

  • ANNOUNCE END OF SEASON GOALS: Tell your support network via social media and phone etc what you would like to accomplish before ending so they can hold you accountable AND SUPPORT YOU!

Website | Instagram | Twitter | Fan Page | Youtube

Music Credit: JPB - High