entrepreneur — Podcast/Blog — Ryan Jay Owens


#43 6 Ways To Not Screw Up Ending Season Well with #PRORJO

#43 - 6 Ways To Not Screw Up Ending Season Well with #PRORJO

March 30, 2016

BeyondAthleticPodcastCover RJO #43.jpg

Season's coming to an end so today's all about capitalizing on this opportunity to end well!


Today’s show will be another solo session with me. I want to share with you guys some of the lessons I have learned in 13+ years of being a professional volleyball player around the world in more than 30 countries with other amazing athletes. I want to give you some small tips and tools that can change your life, not only in your sports world, but also for your own well being. 

Many athletes are so overwhelmed by the season itself, personal issues or playoffs that they overlook these 6 IMPORTANT things to make sure they set themselves up for success now and in the future. Preparation is ALWAYS KEY!

Here are the 6 Ways To Not Screw Up Ending Season Well!


— John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast
  • Rely on your whole season of training behind you!

  • Dial in on what worked.. What helps... ELIMINATE THE REST!

  • Not the time for crazy new routines, habits, etc. Sometimes a bit of a change/challenge is great but a little too much.


Getting new video is the most vital step to building your career and improving in your sport!
— Ryan Jay Owens
  • 3 TYPES: Match • Highlight • Evaluation

  • Get them immediately after matches via offline or online storage (and then back them up!)

  • Post to Youtube / Vimeo but also keep on storage like iCloud, Google Drive & Dropbox

  • Post highlights to FB fan page (Directly and links)

  • Livestream events using Livestream app or Google LIVE hangouts, etc.



  • RECOVER & RESUME: Rest a bit but then maintain fitness and build a better you!

    • Mobility, Yoga, mashing, flossing, rolling, etc.

      • TRAIN OFTEN! Find ways to keep moving thru cross training, yoga, daily 5' mobility routines, weights, conditioning, other sports, train on the beach in your sport (when possible)....

      • ATTEND EVENTS: Find live events to play in to promote your skills to teams, Make sure they are challenging and fun! If none exist... Organize one!

      • TRAVEL: Go close by or far but go..... Take a closer look at how your hometown might have evolved in get involved!

      • LEARN NEW STUFF: Whether online or offline pick up some new skills, knowledge & experience!


  • CONTRACT & RECEIPTS: Organize and keep these ready for taxes and taking deductions so you keep more of your money you earned during these hard seasons. 

  • FIND A HOME: Use Craigslist.com, friends, AirBNB.com or HOMEAWAY.com to secure off season housing if you don't have any AHEAD OF TIME!

  • PREP TEAM'S HOME: Clean it and be sure to take video of condition with newspaper shown in video for validity.

  • TRAVEL: whether you never got around to close by sightseeing or you want to go to another country... Plan out the travel dates, lodging, transportation and friends to join! Use the time abroad to explore!

  • CONTRACT TRAVEL HACK: Get the money for your trip home (if paid by team) in cash or by bank wire and plan your own travel itinerary that works better for you than just leaving ASAP after season.

  • CONTACT YOUR AGENT: Make sure they have an updated CV and what's their plan for your work next season!


  • You worked your butt off.. enjoy the story that is this season and just play. It will be over soon and you will be relieved BUT make the most of what you've worked so hard for!

  • Get a little more YOU time to relax and recover during tough playoff schedules... You are allowed that movie, ice cream, etc. Do it! (BUT DON'T OVER-DO IT!)

  • ANNOUNCE END OF SEASON GOALS: Tell your support network via social media and phone etc what you would like to accomplish before ending so they can hold you accountable AND SUPPORT YOU!

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Music Credit: JPB - High

#39 Why You Should Listen To Your Body with Reid HALL

#39 Why You Should Listen To Your Body with Reid HALL

Former Canadian national team beach volleyball player, personal trainer, degree in Kinesiology and Health Sciences, and business owner.

On today’s show, we will be discussing mobility and flexibility as an athlete. We will touch on areas we might be doing wrong, topics and techniques we may not have thought of, and things that we can be doing without any professional guidance. Reid provides numerous hands-on take-aways that we can put into action NOW to help our training and preparation to become the best athlete we can be. Finally, we will delve into the mind and how focus and mindfulness play a large role in ensuring an effective and productive fitness routine.  

#38 Pivot When Things Aren't Working with Kalli YOUNGSTROM

#38 Pivot When Things Aren't Working with Kalli Youngstrom

Athlete Case Study: Canada,  Former Wrestler, Degree in Psychology and Marketing,
Current Figure Competitor, KY Fitness and Nutrition Consulting


June 16, 2015

Kalli YOUNGSTRON | Beyond Athletic Podcast | Fitness Competitor
Listen ON-THE-GO (00:56:32) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


On today’s show we will be talking with a very strong woman from a small town in Canada. She will share with us her journey from being a wrestler in her younger years, earning two bachelor degrees to being a Figure Competitor, as well as, a fitness coach. She tells us a bit about how somewhere along the way, marketing wasn’t everything she thought it’d be so she pivoted a decided to go another route to start her own business.


  • Born, Kalli Youngstrom, from Saskatchewan, Canada on February 14, 1991

  • Grew up wrestling from the 4th grade up until her senior year of highschool, mostly with the boys as there weren’t many girls competing.

  • Received a B.A. in Psychology as well as Marketing

  • A fitness coach, KY Fitness and Nutrition Consulting  

  • Goal was to be an Olympic wrestler, unfortunately her career was cut short as she suffered multiple concussions during competitions

  • She began figure competitions in 2013; achieved first place in her first show; second place the next year at Nationals

  • Sponsored by Perfect Nutrition

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You Can’t Climb The Ladder Of Success With Your Hands In Your Pockets
— Arnold Schwarzenegger

My Parents for holding me to the highest standard of work ethic and drive & my high school wrestling coach, Russ Fersch, taught me the work ethic that fuels me today and my boyfriend who introduced me to bodybuilding and pushes me daily

Key Discussion Points:

  • When was a time you struggled and what did you take away from it?

  • When was your lightbulb moment?

  • How did you start building your business?

  • What is one of your proudest moment so far?

  • What are you most excited about these days?


Key Lessons:

  • Have the ability to change gears and focus new energy on new things

  • When one door closes, another will always open

  • When something is not working you’ve got to pivot

  • Once an athlete, always an athlete

  • Its important to build your own dream/vision

  • You can’t be limited by what you think you don’t have

  • It IS possible to be an independent bodybuilding competitor

“A lot of people think you can’t excel in this sport without a coach but I never have used a coach and I’ve just been really independent and I want to know everything there is to know about my physique.” -KY @ 23:52

  • It is important to educate ourselves when we want to know something

Listen ON-THE-GO (00:56:32) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!

Kalli and Fitness

Typical Day…

  • Contest Prep: Double Days; Wake up, straight to the gym for a fasted cardio session, home, breakfast, working from home, back to the gym for a weight session


  • Fasted Cardio: Without eating anything prior; steady state, heart rate at 70%, stairmaster, stepmill

Weight Sessions...

  • Hit up heavy weight then give the muscle time to recover; heavy squats, deadlifts, pull-ups; All body exhausting showing your strength


The Best advice you have ever received..
Not to take myself and other things too seriously

One of the first things you do arriving to competition…
Mental preparation, take a minute to step away and center my thoughts

Personal habit that has contributed most to your success?...
My overall work ethic; it’s a habit, something you develop through years of practice

Sleep & Morning ritual..
Four hours of sleep in the night, and a nap before evening gym sessions
Morning Ritual: Wake up, have coffee, mentally prepare for the day, not rushed

One way you would like to improve yourself as a person...
Giving back the knowledge that I have

If you had a do over what would you have done differently?
I wish I would have started sooner and I wish I would have done a better job at balancing my social relationships

Give a tool/habit you love to use to stay healthy...
Constant & continuous goal setting

A useful tool or tip for eating on the go -OR- for traveling in general?
Weigh, pre-packaged, and take with you! 6 pack cooler!

A learning resource you love to use…


Free fitness and nutrition seminars to teach public about clean eating, healthy lifestyles, training, etc. Public Facebook posts daily with diet/training tips

KY Fitness and Nutrition Consulting


Follow Athlete Here:

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Definition of Being an Athlete?

"Its not just about the competition..its living an athletic lifestyle..your personal characteristics and the drive you have physically and in your training no matter what spot you are training for" -KY