hydration — Podcast/Blog — Ryan Jay Owens


#34 Why Women Aren't "Smaller Men" & How Both Maximize Performance with Dr. Stacy SIMS

#34 Why Women Aren't "Smaller Men" & How Both Maximize Performance with Dr. Stacy SIMS

Expert Game Plan Session: Triathlete, Graduate of Stanford School of Medicine; PhD from University of Otago New Zealand; Innovative Exercise Physiologist-Nutrition Scientist of Thermoregulation, Hydration, and Performance Nutrition


March 15, 2015

Dr. Stacy T. Sims of Osmo Nutrtion | beyond Athletic Podcast
Listen ON-THE-GO (00:42:59) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


On today’s podcast you will receive tons of information regarding hydration, thermoregulation, and what it means to  hydrate properly for different sexes as it is not the same for both. Dr. Sims has studied all over the globe and has been an athlete in multiple sports. Her knowledge will help your overall health and performance as an athlete.


  • Born, Stacy Teresa Sims on July 24, 1973.

  • Ran track in high school, competed on the crew team for Purdue University; was an ultra runner, triathlete. She retired as a pro elite roadbike racer when she was pregnant with her 2 year old daughter, Jera

  • She graduated from Stanford’s School of Medicine and also received her PhD from the University of Otago in New Zealand

  • She is an Innovative Exercise Physiologist-Nutrition Scientist of Thermoregulation, Hydration, and Performance Nutrition; The key researcher officer and co-founder of Osmo Nutrition, who has products designed to address different needs for both sexes; consults for elite individual athletes; has worked with Lance Armstrong.

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Listen ON-THE-GO (00:42:59) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!

“Women are not small men.”

“taking a broad view of the world and having a lot of tolerance and patience and making myself grow in whatever environment I’m in”

Key Discussion Points:

  • How did you get into your field of work/research?

  • What has you most excited these days?

  • Why can’t both sexes hydrate the same way?

  • What hydration sources out there being pushed commercially actually cause dehydration?

  • When are the best times to hydrate? Is there a wrong time?

  • How does dehydration play into injuries?

  • How should athletes hydrate properly while traveling by plane?

  • What eating habits should athletes have on 2-3 hour practice days?

Key Lessons:

  • If you start with good habits, you will further your career down the road

  • Most sports drinks are designed to replace carbohydrates first, and then provide some fluid second

“A standard sports drink has between 6-8% carbohydrate solution..when you look at that was a chemical..physiological standpoint...that concentration of carbohydrates are too concentrated to flow into the body easily.” SS @ 13:03

  • You can remove stress by watching what you are eating and drinking

  • Optimal hydration will better your overall performance

  • There is NO pure water in the body; plain water isn’t the main solution for hydration

“If you are just drinking plain water, you’re not really maximizing what your body recognizes as the solution..so just a little bit of sodium in plain water..that will allow the body to pull that fluid in.” SS @ 18:28

  • Hydrate throughout the day with MORE than just water

“...its eating watery fruits and veggies, its drinking mineral water that has the sodium in it or its making you own sports drink with 500 ml of water (16oz), dash of salt and a little bit of maple syrup (tsp.)..you’ll get some glucose..sodium, and then you’re going to get your fluid and its going to be absorbed.” SS @ 18:48

  • When dehydrated, you are prone to tissue tears, cramping, ACL injuries,etc.

  • Compression tights during travel help with getting up and walking around as much as you can to prevent swelling in the ankles

  • Have your products to make your protein drinks WITH you on your flights

“12-13 hour flight...having two protein base drinks on the flight...the protein helps with the hydration aspect and the amino acids counteract some of the jet lag.” SS @ 24:37

  • You want to maximize the food before you have practice

“..at least 90 minutes before you start and you can top up with  snack..a 150 calorie snack, about 30 minutes before you start training, so you’re going to be well fueled.” SS @ 26:56

  • Stay hydrated all the way through practice with “functional hydration drinks” (glucose, sodium, potassium)

  • HYDRATE and FUEL for whatever you are doing

Listen ON-THE-GO (00:42:59) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


What is your recommended breakfast for an athlete?

Having a good balance of carbohydrates and protein
-Not eating animal products (vegan): quinoa w/berries, nuts, seeds; sprouted bread w/almond butter

-Eats animal products: Oatmeal w/almond milk, yogurt, nuts, berries; egg whites/yolk scrambles and veggies over toast; avocados, smoked fish, omega 3’s, flax seed oil, coconut oil, other nut oils

Your travel buddy:

Your recipe for a healthy life:
Being Happy

Favorite Healthy Habit:
Sleep and training; “Without good sleep, you can’t train well.”

The first 3 healthy food items that make you smile
Coffee, blueberries, and raspberries

What is a book that you would give away as a gift?
Becoming a Supple Leopard and Ready to Run, both by Kelly Starrett
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Importance of Thermoregulation
The way your body deals with stress after exercise or extreme conditions is through thermoregulation; through changing constriction of vessels, through sweating, respiration; without thermoregulation there is no human.


Osmo Nutrition - Co Founder, Chief Research Officer
Recommended Guest:
Selene Yeager; Freelance athletic journalist
Hannah Grant; professional chef for Tinkoff Saxo professional cycling team/ wellness-foodie consultant to corporations and athletes, cookbook author

Recommended Books:
Becoming a Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett
Ready to Run by Kelly Starrett
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


Osmo Nutrition
Lance Armstrong
Stanford’s School of Medicine
University of Otago in New Zealand
amino acids
Purdue University

Follow Expert Here:

Facebook | Twitter | Website

Definition of Being an Athlete?

"A combination of mind, body, and spirit. There is not one without the other. You can’t be a complete athlete if you aren’t mentally strong and also aware of what you’re doing and how your body fits in space and time. Physically you can’t be an athlete without all the training components and nutrition components and spiritually, without that inner drive and the awareness of how you give and take from others, you can’t really be a complete person or a complete athlete. " -Dr. Stacy Sims




#30 Why Wait Until You're Injured? Most Are 100% Preventable! with Dr. Kelly STARRETT

Why Wait Until You're Injured? Most Are 100% Preventable!  with Dr. Kelly STARRETT

Expert GamePlan Session: (USA) NYT & WSJ BEST SELLING AUTHOR, Former US Canoe Team Member, Co-Owner of San Francisco CrossFit & MobilityWOD.com
February 20, 2015

Dr. Kelly Starrett of MobilityWOD.com & San Francisco Crossfit
Listen ON-THE-GO (00:56:04) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


A few years back during one of my volleyball seasons, I started to have these random knee issues and I had no idea what actions I needed to take. I came across Dr. Starrett and his “mobility stuff”online and I didn’t know what any of it was. As I continued to research, I found so many things from him that has helped me throughout my career over the years, so I guarantee to all of you who are listening, you will be able to take many lessons away from today’s episode. We will get into all of the basic things athletes, or anyone in general, need to have or do on a day to day basis when it comes to maintaining a high fitness level and staying healthy. He talks about the importance of having a ball sport in your repertoire as a kid as well as being involved in a sliding sport (ie: surf, skate, ski). Today you will learn why Dr. Starrett says that “the first wealth is health.”


  • Born, Kelly Starrett, currently living in San Francisco, California.
  • Married to Juliet Starrett, together they have two children
  • Kelly is former USA Canoe Team Member, the Co-Owner of San Francisco Crossfit along with his wife. Also the Co-owner of MobilityWOD, a resource for learning how to fix old and prevent new injuries with instructional video. 
  • A New York Times and Wall Street Journal’s Best selling author including, Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing and Optimizing Athletic Performance. New book is Ready To Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Healthy
  • He trains top athletes as well as Olympians around the world 
  • ReebokONE Official Trainer

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Listen ON-THE-GO (00:55:55) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!

Key Discussion Points:

  • How do we prevent injury and prolong our athletic careers?

  • The importance of kids having an aerobic base?

  • As far as training and conditioning in youth teams, what are things that can be done to make sure the athletes are being taught the correct technique, as it is often overlooked?

  • The importance of reinforcing good mechanics in training?

  • Why is MCE the new recovery for injuries?

Key Lessons:

  • If its not from contact, most injuries we see are 100% preventable

  • We don’t know its a problem until its a problem

  • It is important to have a ball sport in your repertoire as a kid

  • As an athlete, there is no OFF button; athletes have a tendency to push through knowing something is wrong, coaches need to pay for attention

  • Its important to enforce good mechanics when training youth

“So what we are seeing is people are reinforcing these bad mechanics, and when it matters most, under the highest levels of stress or when there is fatigue..there’s gonna default to those practice states..and that’s where we can immediately start to make these huge changes.” KS @ 16:20

  • As a more experienced athlete, it is important to share what you have learned with younger athletes

  • When conditioning properly, we can get leading indicators, signals of possible injuries that may come in the future

“How do we know we have a problem? Pain, swelling, numbness and tingling, loss of forced production..that gets our attention, but those are lagging indicators. What we get from better conditioning is a set of leading indicators.”KS @ 21:38

  • Conditioning is where you reinforce the fundamental positions of particular sport

  • Technique in training is key

“The best technique actually mimics the physiology of the human..now coaches, because we’re obsessed with going fast, and jumping the highest, and hitting the hardest, most technique ends up matching perfectly the physiologic expression of how the human being works.”KS @ 22:44

  • Ready position is ready position and its the same in all sports

  • Training isn’t always about strength, but more so efficiency

  • Icing doesn’t necessarily cure an injury

“There is not a single piece of research that shows icing helps an injury”KS @ 41:03

  • We reduce swelling by elevation, compression, and squeezing the inflamed/swollen area

  • Anything you put a brace on is eventually going to become weaker



Listen ON-THE-GO (00:55:55) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


Charity/Organizations They Add Value to:

Standupkids.org | Tweet @Stand_Up_Kids

San Francisco CrossFit, MobilityWOD.com, Official Trainer for ReebokONE, instructor on CreativeLive.com’s educational website

Past/Current Teams:
Past; USA Canoe Team

Recommended Guest:
Stacy Sims ;)

Books Mentioned:
Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing and Optimizing Athletic Performance by Kelly Starrett
Ready To Run: Unlocking Your Potential to Run Healthy by Kelly Starrett


Follow Dr. Starrett

Facebook | Website


Definition of an Athlete?

"Who picks up a new skill the fastest...can be coached and apply the set of skills over and over, understands that they have to perform basic maintenance." 
-Dr. Kelly Starrett


#23 6 Tips To Keep Your Body & Mind Healthy With RJO

January 21, 2015 | Solo Session with Ryan Jay Owens

6 Tips To Keep Your Body & Mind Healthy With RJO


The purpose of a goal is who you become in the process.
— Henry David Thoreau


Today’s show will be another solo session with me. I want to share with you guys some of the lessons I have learned in 13 years of being a professional volleyball player around the world in more than 30 countries. I want to give you some small tips and tools that can change your life, not only in your sports world, but also for your own well being. 

You should always have your goals in front of you and be doing everything possible to optimize the not-so-little daily habits that can help your reach your goals! Here's some of my favorites and most vital that I use daily.


1. HYDRATE | Before, During & After Tips

Before Training: Mornings 1 L water & 30-60’ b4 workout 1/2-1L minimum (pee test = The darker it is yellow is your dehydration level basically)

*During Training: Smaller amounts more often… best. Super long or hard have fruit with lots of water in it but lower fiber.. oranges, mandarins, bananas, etc.

*After Training: 5-10’ 1/2L dep. on sweat with salt!

2. REFUEL | Post Workout Nutrition


KEYS: 30’ WINDOW for Stage 1 + 60-120’ window for Stage 2

  • STAGE 1 = 30’ WINDOW after training

Glycogen Stores ("energy reserves") (1.2g/kg of bodyweight of carbs OR carb/protein mix)

CARBS (fruit/berries, quinoa, sweet potato, seeds & nuts) + PROTEIN (hemp seed protein, whey, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, etc) + GUT HEALTH PREP = PREBIOTICS (garlic, banana, leeks, etc) & PROBIOTICS (greek yogurt, apple cider vinegar, miso, kimchi, and kefir) + BOOSTS (salt, manuka honey, stevia, cinnamon, raw cacao powder, vanilla powder, maca powder, chia seeds, coconut flakes, coconut oil, hemp seed oil, etc)

  • STAGE 2 = 60-120’ window after training

Protein, Protein Helpers, Fats (Omegas, etc), Antioxidants, Slow Carbs


RECOVERY BOWL = FISH/POULTRY/RED MEAT (Bacon is ok) + FAT (nuts/seeds on salad… avocado.. coconut, hemp seed or walnut oil) + VEGGIES (Dark green Spinach/Kale/Collards etc but also bright colors more color the more vitamins/antioxidants) + SLOW CARBS (20% is probably more than enough here) Legumes like lentils, black beans.. Quinoa, rolled oats, whole-grain pumpernickel bread, Buckwheat, pearled barley and whole-wheat bread/tortillas for wrap/sandwich


*Drink water/liquids up to 20’ before meals and 30-60’ after or you will not digest everything from you food

*Fat Burners:
A Shot of pure lemon juice after meal will help digestion and fat loss.
Clove of garlic
Cayenne Peppers

*Don’t Eat close to bedtime or you will be processing food during sleep...not have consistent sleep quality which will defeat the nutrition you just gave yourself!

3. GET FIT | Like An Olympian & Shed Fat

a. TABATA 8' Total = 2' Warm Up + 4' ON/OFF + 2' Cool Down (actually 2m40s of actual hard work… ;) 

Weights (body + external weights)

Use props… Bands, Balls, Boxes (3 B’s… B-Trio…TB’s...)

4. BE MINDFUL | Flow State: Get In THE ZONE!

Take 5-10’ for breathing and visualizations

  • Mindful Breathing | Boosts focus, metabolism, productivity, creativeness
    • Eyes closed
    • Quiet room
    • Sit straight up with legs crossed or butterfly (Use Wall or couch if needed)
    • Set alarm for 5-10'
    • Tip: overtime your mind wanders just focus attention back to the normal rhythm of your breathing.. breathing will happen whether or not you think about it ;)
  • Visualize Success | Your dream + skills needed to accomplish YOUR dream
    • Repeat until you can see yourself successfully completing each skill you want to improve. This may take time but once you can.. try to see 8-10x of the same successful skill.
    • Tip: imagine how it feels, smells, etc.

5. GROW WISER | Everyday improve your knowledge 1%

  • Contact A Mentor
    • Contact them
    • Read something they wrote you as a reminder
    • Try to emulate/mimic/copy their way of doing what they do best to improve yourself in those areas.
  • Books (Autobiographies, Historical, Coaching (Skill Acquisition aka self-help)
  • Web Research 
  • MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

6. MOBILITY MASHING | Prevent Injuries, Soreness & promote F.R.O.M

  • Tools = Ball and/or Roller
  • 30 seconds on each TP (Trigger Point) for 10'

Resources Mentioned:

CreativeLive.com | CourseTalk.com | Cooking Oil Chart


Tweet Me @ryanjayowens -or- @BeyondAthletic and tell me what you liked, that you heard it or as questions!