Tea JURIC | My International Student-Athlete Experience

Tea JURIC | My International Student-Athlete Experience

Tea JURIC | Croatian Volleyball Student-Athlete

Tea JURIC | Croatian Volleyball Student-Athlete

My best experiences in your foreign school?
Learning the language, meeting people and playing sport with all the advantages including gyms, lifting rooms and equipment
— Tea JURIC | Croatian Volleyball Student-Athlete

First, a little background on you and the school...


Your full name:
Tea Juric

Your country of origin?

Name of your college/university?
Tulane University 

This school is in...

...your sport?

..your jersey # ?

...received a scholarship?
Full Athletic

...enter your major(s):
Public Health 

...select your status in school:

My school profile:

Tell your experience BEFORE you got to your foreign school...

...how difficult was it to decide to go to a foreign school?

...What, if any, were the difficulties in choosing to go to a foreign school?
Paperwork and not knowing English 

... and how did you overcome these obstacles to get to a foreign school?
Talking with coaches and having them on my side to help me 

... how helpful were the staff at the school with getting you admitted?

What things  helped you get everything done to get to a foreign school?
Sinisa Momic

Lastly, your experience at your foreign school...

...your happiness with international student-athletics?

...What, if any, were the difficulties to adjust to life in your school’s country?
Different culture and busy schedule 

... and how did you overcome these obstacles to adjust to school life?
With tutor help and hard work

...What were your best experiences in your foreign school?
Learning the language, meeting people and playing sport with all the advantages including gyms, lifting rooms and equipment 

Would you be interested in an international athlete network?

Do you plan to be a PRO in your sport after college?

#38 Pivot When Things Aren't Working with Kalli YOUNGSTROM

#38 Pivot When Things Aren't Working with Kalli Youngstrom

Athlete Case Study: Canada,  Former Wrestler, Degree in Psychology and Marketing,
Current Figure Competitor, KY Fitness and Nutrition Consulting


June 16, 2015

Kalli YOUNGSTRON | Beyond Athletic Podcast | Fitness Competitor
Listen ON-THE-GO (00:56:32) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


On today’s show we will be talking with a very strong woman from a small town in Canada. She will share with us her journey from being a wrestler in her younger years, earning two bachelor degrees to being a Figure Competitor, as well as, a fitness coach. She tells us a bit about how somewhere along the way, marketing wasn’t everything she thought it’d be so she pivoted a decided to go another route to start her own business.


  • Born, Kalli Youngstrom, from Saskatchewan, Canada on February 14, 1991

  • Grew up wrestling from the 4th grade up until her senior year of highschool, mostly with the boys as there weren’t many girls competing.

  • Received a B.A. in Psychology as well as Marketing

  • A fitness coach, KY Fitness and Nutrition Consulting  

  • Goal was to be an Olympic wrestler, unfortunately her career was cut short as she suffered multiple concussions during competitions

  • She began figure competitions in 2013; achieved first place in her first show; second place the next year at Nationals

  • Sponsored by Perfect Nutrition

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You Can’t Climb The Ladder Of Success With Your Hands In Your Pockets
— Arnold Schwarzenegger

My Parents for holding me to the highest standard of work ethic and drive & my high school wrestling coach, Russ Fersch, taught me the work ethic that fuels me today and my boyfriend who introduced me to bodybuilding and pushes me daily

Key Discussion Points:

  • When was a time you struggled and what did you take away from it?

  • When was your lightbulb moment?

  • How did you start building your business?

  • What is one of your proudest moment so far?

  • What are you most excited about these days?


Key Lessons:

  • Have the ability to change gears and focus new energy on new things

  • When one door closes, another will always open

  • When something is not working you’ve got to pivot

  • Once an athlete, always an athlete

  • Its important to build your own dream/vision

  • You can’t be limited by what you think you don’t have

  • It IS possible to be an independent bodybuilding competitor

“A lot of people think you can’t excel in this sport without a coach but I never have used a coach and I’ve just been really independent and I want to know everything there is to know about my physique.” -KY @ 23:52

  • It is important to educate ourselves when we want to know something

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Kalli and Fitness

Typical Day…

  • Contest Prep: Double Days; Wake up, straight to the gym for a fasted cardio session, home, breakfast, working from home, back to the gym for a weight session


  • Fasted Cardio: Without eating anything prior; steady state, heart rate at 70%, stairmaster, stepmill

Weight Sessions...

  • Hit up heavy weight then give the muscle time to recover; heavy squats, deadlifts, pull-ups; All body exhausting showing your strength


The Best advice you have ever received..
Not to take myself and other things too seriously

One of the first things you do arriving to competition…
Mental preparation, take a minute to step away and center my thoughts

Personal habit that has contributed most to your success?...
My overall work ethic; it’s a habit, something you develop through years of practice

Sleep & Morning ritual..
Four hours of sleep in the night, and a nap before evening gym sessions
Morning Ritual: Wake up, have coffee, mentally prepare for the day, not rushed

One way you would like to improve yourself as a person...
Giving back the knowledge that I have

If you had a do over what would you have done differently?
I wish I would have started sooner and I wish I would have done a better job at balancing my social relationships

Give a tool/habit you love to use to stay healthy...
Constant & continuous goal setting

A useful tool or tip for eating on the go -OR- for traveling in general?
Weigh, pre-packaged, and take with you! 6 pack cooler!

A learning resource you love to use…


Free fitness and nutrition seminars to teach public about clean eating, healthy lifestyles, training, etc. Public Facebook posts daily with diet/training tips

KY Fitness and Nutrition Consulting


Follow Athlete Here:

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Definition of Being an Athlete?

"Its not just about the competition..its living an athletic lifestyle..your personal characteristics and the drive you have physically and in your training no matter what spot you are training for" -KY




#37 How To Perform At Your Peak Potential with Ben GREENFIELD

#37 How To Perform At Your Peak Potential with Ben GREENFIELD

Expert Game Plan Session: New York Times Bestselling Author, Top 100 Most influential People in Healthy and Fitness, Ex-Body Builder, Ironman Triathlete


June 3, 2015

Ben GREENFIELD | BeyondAthletic.com | PODCAST
Listen ON-THE-GO (00:37:21) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


Today we will discuss health vs performance, the misconceptions of pre and post workout fueling, as well as the benefits of thermoregulation. You will learn how you can change your surroundings to optimize your recovery and help perform better on a day to day basis, travel tips, warrior breathing, ways to OPTIMIZE your breathing, and things to do during the day that optimize your body’s potential to adapt to training.


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“Every little win counts.” -BG

Listen ON-THE-GO (00:37:21) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!

Key Discussion Points:

  • Why did you title your book “Beyond training”?

  • What are the top 5 mistakes you see athletes making?

  • What is the importance of pre and post workout fueling?

  • How should athletes prepare for days with weight trainings, conditioning, and practice all in one day, with less than an 8 hour window?

  • What can you tell us about cold/hot thermogenesis?

  • What is the significance of “Warrior Breathing” and “Breath Hold Walks”?

Key Lessons:

  • Its not hard figure out how to get stronger, its how do you optimize your ability to doing so the best and healthy way

“What gets left on the table is how to incorporate things in your life that are going to optimize hormones that are going to enhance your deep sleep, that are going to speed up your recovery, get rid of annoying issues like bloating and gas and gut problems that plague a lot of athletes.” BG @ 3:47

  • Its not only about looking good on the outside; but its most important to FEEL good(healthy) on the inside

  • Think more about your long term health and career and not just about the acute performance

  • Most athletes neglect the areas of strength, power, balance, mobility, and speed.

  • It isn’t always needed to massively prioritize your pre and post workout meals

  • You can stay fueled without relying on energy bars, powders, and other processed sources

“The trick is to be able to keep the body fueled without necessarily relying on franken fuels to do so.” BG @ 16:25

  • Its important to go out of your way to find convenient fuel sources that are more natural

“Chia seeds are fantastic; you mix them in water, they give you a slow bleed of amino acids along with fatty acids, and you can add some REAL honey to that..some sea salt..put it in water..or coconut water..you’ve got a little more natural rehydration beverage.” BG @ 17:26

  • Cold exposure can be beneficial for stress resilience

“If you train yourself every single morning to hop in the shower and put it on the cold setting, take a deep breath and just let yourself flow, let your mind block any type of pain or discomfort, there’s a huge bonus there in terms of stress resilience.” BG @ 22:43

  • Heat has similar benefits to cold

“..trains your body how to shovel blood very efficiently around your body.” BG @ 23:22

“50 sharp and deep inhales...and each of those sharp and deep inhales is followed by a short and shallow exhale.” BG @ 16:19

  • Breath Hold Walks can increase your overall breath hold times
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Positive ways to hack your environment?
-Reduce the amounts of electrical signals to your body and increase the amount of natural light

-Replace your regular light bulbs that produce blue light ( which shuts down your ability to produce melatonin), with Warming Red Lights

Travel Tips?
After landing from a flight, sleep on a “Grounding/Earthing Mat


Fitness And Lifestyle Performance Coach
Blogger and Podcast/Show Host for BenGreenfieldFitness.com

Past/Current Teams:
IronMan Triathlete
Spartan Racer
Ex Body Builder

Recommended Books:
Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health, and Life

Mentioned Resources:
Pemican (US Wellness Meats)
Warrior Breathing
How to Bio Hack the Ultimate Healthy Home
Spartan Race

Fitness And Lifestyle Performance Coach
Warming Red Lights
Grounding/Earthing Mat

Follow Ben

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Definition of an Athlete?

"..having the ultimate combination of performance, fat loss, recovery, digestion, brain, sleep, and hormone optimization...once you’ve got to that point..then you’re performing like the human machine has the potential to perform." -Ben Greenfield




#36 A 2x Olympian & FSN/NBC Broadcaster Dumb Enough Not To Quit with Kevin BARNETT

#36 A 2x Olympian & FSN/NBC Broadcaster Dumb Enough Not To Quit with Kevin BARNETT

Athlete Case Study: Former Member of the Men’s USA National Volleyball Team,
2x Olympian & Professional Broadcaster


April 13, 2015

Listen ON-THE-GO (01:04:36) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


On today’s episode, we will be talking with one of my so called mentors, even though he may not have been aware of that, many things he did in the sport of volleyball, I shadowed and mimicked throughout my career to get better and create my own game. I’ve also always been inspired by the person he is and his character has encouraged me to be someone who speaks up. Today we will discuss the importance of having the will to show up no matter what and to keep going at it, and we need to give the best we have in that moment, and although we may not always be 100%, we need to give 100% of whatever we have on that day.


  • Born, Kevin Rees BARNETT, from Lockport, Illinois on May 14, 1974.

  • Resided in Southern California in 2006 with wife and twin sons

  • There were no volleyball teams at the schools until his junior year of high school, Kevin didn’t join the squad until senior year

  • Took one year off of school and just trained for volleyball and worked at the Cheesecake Factory

  • Played at Pierce Junior College for two years, transferred and played two years at Pepperdine University

  • Played on the USA National Team for 9 years after making the team in 1997; 2x MVP for USA, USA National Team Athlete of the year

  • Kevin is a two-time United States Olympian turned professional broadcaster; specializing in ball and motorsports, Kevin has covered a variety of broadcast roles since 2006. Over the past three years his primary focus has been Play by Play and Studio Host. This type of work includes: Volleyball / Basketball / Football and Racing.

  • He can be seen regularly on NBC / PAC 12 Network / Fox Sports West / ESPNU and elsewhere throughout the television universe.

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Listen ON-THE-GO (01:04:36) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


“Get busy livin' or get busy dyin”
- Red  (Shawshank Redemption)

Ken Stanley; Junior College Coach, good man and great coach
Marv Dunphy; contributed to making me into a better person


Key Discussion Points:

  • When was one of your biggest struggles and what did you learn from it?

  • How did you bounce back from being on the bench and injuries?

  • When was your lightbulb moment?

  • When was one of your proudest moments in life so far?

  • What was your plan to be successful in life, other than just your sport?

Key Lessons:

  • The key is to just keep showing up no matter what and never giving up

“ I’m just dumb enough not quit...there’s no genius to doing what we do, its just a willingness to show up every week no matter what happens.” KB @ 17:03

  • Its important to learn how to deal with structures of a team, and be in the good graces of your coaches

“They knew I would show up every single day in practice, and would give everything I had that day..it didn’t matter what had happened before, it didn’t matter what happened after, it didn’t matter how practice went..if practice started poorly for me its not like I’d quit..” KB @ 17:48

  • Give the best that you have at that moment and over time you will acquire skills

  • Its important to pay attention to others and learn from them

  • There can be great satisfaction with the team effort even after a tough loss

“..disappointed that we hadn’t won but very satisfied and very happy with the whole experience..I was satisfied with the play of the team and the way we had performed and fought and done our best.” KB @ 25:22

  • The key is to just keep showing up no matter what and never giving up

  • Strive to finish satisfied with what you’ve done

  • Don’t put EVERYTHING into getting the medal, embrace the actual experience of competing at the highest level

  • The big things you want won’t happen unless you put all of your eggs in that one basket

“...‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’....well you better or you’re not gonna make it….you’re not gonna get in a National Team gym, you’re not gonna get in a professional league, you’re not gonna get yourself on a roster..its just not gonna happen unless you’re all in.” KB @ 30:50

  • Don’t be discouraged by failures

“You can’t let failing at something then discourage you from trying something else.” KB @ 37:16

Listen ON-THE-GO (01:04:36) NOW -or- mobile via iTunes | Stitcher | TuneIn Apps!


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“You gotta be early to be on time.” -Ken Stanley

What personal habit do you believe contributed most to your success?
Blind Stupidity

What is the one thing you would like to improve about yourself?
I would to not get so aggravated with stuff so quickly

One resource you use to improve yourself as a person?
People around you that tell you the truth and don’t be afraid of it

Knowing everything you know now with the same resources you had starting out and the new ones you have now (Beyond Athletic Podcasts, ESS, etc.), if you had a do-over what would you have done differently to reach success?
Following someone that you respect that you think is doing right that you view is successful and forge a relationship with them.

A book or learning resource you love to use?
Sacred Hoops by Phil Jackson

What is a tool/habit you love to use to stay healthy?

Going to the gym 4-5 days a week. Riding Motocross

A useful tool or tip for eating on the go -OR- for traveling in general?

Isagenix/Try and avoid eating in airports. / Always treat yourself to a good meal on the road. It's already no fun to be traveling a long distance. Good food makes it more enjoyable.

What's a cause or thing/action you like to do to add value to other peoples lives that you either know or don't know at all?

My kids! That's where my time goes.


Broadcaster for the Pac-12 Networks and FOX Sports
TheNetLive Podcast/Show Host

Past/Current Teams:
Pierce College Men’s Volleyball
Pepperdine Men’s Volleyball
USA Men’s National Volleyball Team

Follow Kevin

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Pieces of Wisdom
“You’ve gotta be comfortable with yourself and know that you’ve done
right by yourself.” -KB

“Don’t say you want it and not be willing to put out the effort to get the thing and then be disappointed when you didn’t get it.” -KB

Definition of Being An Athlete?

"..its just another person, its like famous people, the more you meet famous people ..you realize they’re just people too and when it comes to the role model aspect of things..you gotta pick the right role model, not just the one who’s the glossiest" -KB